Monday, August 28, 2006

Pink Dragonfly

I never really noticed the different kinds of dragonflies out in the world. I was looking for some subjects to shoot and noticed these bugs flying around all over the place. I also noticed that once the land in one spot the keep coming back to that same spot so it made it a bit easier to shoot them. I will be uploading more images of dragonflies in the future. I have many framed dragonfly pictures on my walls in my office.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Night Shot

This was an interesting shot. I had never done a shot at night. My first thought was I needed a long exposure time to get it. Well after what seemed like 100 shots and 100 mosquitoes bites I went inside to find some info on the Internet. Well never fails the Internet has the info! I found out I had to use a faster exposure.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Expressions and Contrast

I love this image for the expressions and the contrast of the two subjects! My niece was so sad the ride we were on had stopped working and she could not believe it. My daughter was in the background and was just happy to be at the park and in the picture.

Intro to Photo Site

Intro to my photosite.